The web using information and online communication technologies . It becomes an essential element of your overall business strategy , since it simplifies and makes effective relationships and interactions with your customers and partners . It also allows the sharing and circulation of information between all parties . Given the current context and the health crisis, the safest solution is to replace physical activities with online alternatives. We notice this especially in the Retail sector where consumers, being forced to stay at home, have made a significant number of purchases online , usually made in store. As a result, e-busines.
Has enabled retailers to meet customer demand in the most efficient, environmentally friendly wedding photo editing service and profitable way possible. E-business is now developing in all sectors of activity such as fashion, banking, insurance, mass distribution, etc., and requires calling on specialists in the field of IT , graphic design , communication and marketing . _ _ _ Swiss e-commerce in figures Before the pandemic , Switzerland came second behind the Netherlands in the ranking of leading countries in e-commerce, now it is the leader. According to a study carried out in by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development , four reasons are behind this success.

The Internet connection rate is particularly high , with of Swiss people using it regularly . of , an essential condition for buying online . The number of online shopping sites is high for a small country . The quality of delivery is close to perfection. According to the market research institute G F K and the Swiss Distance Selling Association, online sales reached a turnover of . billion francs in , or of retail sales. in Switzerland , including . billion made by Swiss e-boutiques and billion by foreign e-commerce sites. Before the health crisis, e-commerce concerned sectors such as tech , furniture , toys , shoes , etc.