On the number of assigned accounts the agency or the sector in which they work. Digital copy salary in latin america average digital copywriter salary content manager the king of content anyone who has heard about digital content has surely heard or read the following phrase “content is king” and without quality content any communication strategy is completely lame. Therefore content managers are people capable of producing managing administering and curating content. Although in colombia the role is still not widely exploited in countries like the united states or spain a content manager usually leads work teams and large projects.
In that sense a content manager is the brain of any content marketing strategy since it is responsible for ensuring that the curated or produced content meets the stated objectives. This will be one of the digital marketing careers with the greatest projection and growth especially in latin america. Although the content manager position still needs to be exploited more in latin america demand has increased and that is why salaries have begun to see a progressive Graphics Design Service increase. Currently the average is between usd to usd per month. Content manager salary average content manager salary digital planner the magician of strategic objectives what would campaigns be without planners most likely nothing.
And they are in charge of ensuring that efforts investment and media are focused on achieving the success of digital strategies. A digital planner knows how each medium he manages works and therefore he is in charge of making the respective media plan and the investment plan necessary for the advertising commitment to be effective and favor the roi. In latin america the average salary of a digital planner in is usd to usd and without a doubt thanks to the growth in digital investment caused by covid- it will be one of the digital marketing careers.