AI how to build meaningful experiences digital newsletter subscription Richard Moore - The Cs of LinkedIn leveraging the Sleeping Giant Richard Moore is the founder of Entrepreneur Business Live with which he organizes events and networking moments to train entrepreneurs and companies in the digital marketing sector . On the Digital Design Days stage he spoke about how to build your brand on LinkedIn based on the three pillars for the success of content on the professional network Connections - Content - Community DD_ _digitaldesigndays Franz Fischnaller - LSI Project Franz Fischnalle r talked about his LSI Project a new application that combines virtual reality and D immersive graphics to offer an interactive journey inside Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper.
The image underlying this digital design for culture project is a high-quality reproduction of the painting created by Haltadefinizione which the visitor can explore in ° and zoom in to see details down to one square millimetre. DD_ _digitaldesigndays- Michael Gough - Design for Pattern mobile app development service Another speaker on the Digital Design Days stage was Uber 's VP product designer Michael Gough who spoke about the company's approach to digital design and its impact on real-world dynamics.
This new approach based on aesthetics screen design and user interface places more and more attention on the impact that design decisions have on the real world . We intend to be central to the development of the next generation of design methods and skills. Our approach to “designing for pattern” is an approach that goes well beyond aesthetics screen design and user interface to look at the real world impacts of our design decisions. Dot Lung - Becoming a Social Media Dragon “Winter is coming... Learn the steps to dominate the kingdoms of social media” this is the presentation of the speech by Dot Lung.