It is not new that England shows interest in the Brazilian legal market. Since the financial crisis arrived on the old continent, this interest has grown at the same pace as the British economy has collapsed. It is with the aim of being part of the world of opportunities that is Brazil that a delegation of lawyers arrives in São Paulo on Monday (10/22).
The group arrives in the Brazilian metropolis led by the Law Society of England and Wales, the English OAB. There are 16 lawyers who leave the United Kingdom and join the Law Society to expand their network of relationships. Two days are scheduled, Tuesday and Wednesday (10/23 and 24), of networking . The expectation is that 75 lawyers will participate in the meetings, including some from Chile and Argentina.
The lawyers' arrival in São Paulo Chile Phone Number was purposely scheduled to coincide with the date on which the mayor of London's financial district, the so-called City of London, will be in the capital of São Paulo. The Law Society hopes to increase the chances of its lawyers being introduced to large companies and law firms in Brazil. The mayor travels accompanied by a delegation of around 30 people with the aim of promoting the English business market in Latin America.
As part of the preparations for the Brazil mission, the Law Society promoted, in September, a seminar in London to introduce lawyers to the legal market in Rio de Janeiro. The proposal was to show British professionals how they can take advantage of the city's potential, which has been growing with the proximity of the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016. In the same month, the president of the Brazilian Bar Association, Ophir Cavalcanti, was in London. There were two days of meetings with British lawyers and conversations about the exchange of legal services between the two countries.

The light in the tunnel
The legal services market is one of England's bets to get the country out of the crisis. The dark times for the British economy have affected law firms, especially small ones, as revealed by the Law Society. Still, the sector is seen as healthy.
In 2010, legal services generated £25.5 billion, equivalent to 1.9% of UK GDP. Alone, the almost 11,000 law firms in England and Wales turned over £19.8 billion. There are almost 100 thousand lawyers employed by the law firms and another 110 thousand non-lawyers assist the work of the defenders.
The health of the legal market in England is largely due to the export of its services, the Law Society told Consultor Jurídica . The entity believes that the fact that large ferries have expanded to foreign countries has helped them maintain the growth rate. According to the Order, the United Kingdom is the largest exporter of legal services. The sector earned 3.6 billion pounds in exports in 2010.
Twelve of the world's 100 largest law firms are in the UK. British offices handle 14% of the global total generated by legal services. To get an idea of the power of the English market, the income of all stalls in all other countries in the European Union, combined, reaches 19% of the global total.