Aof property and justice as well as some adjacent measures No. of April The Constitutional Court of Romania Decision regarding the exception of unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. art. and art. of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. regarding public judicial aid in civil matters No. of February The Government of Romania Decision to amend Government Decision no. regarding the approval of the amount needed by the Ministry of Health for the contracting and implementation of the remaining uncontracted components of the PHARE Project .. Support for the Romanian health authorities for the implementation of the European Union directives on blood banks transfusion units in hospitals and therapeutic use of human tissues and cells No. of.
April Prime Minister Decision regarding the exercise on a temporary basis by Country Email List secondment by Mrs. Doina Elena Popa of the vacant public position in the category of senior civil servants of deputy general secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports No. of May Prime Minister. AnaMaria Stvaru as an adviser to the State Counselor cabinet within the Prime Ministers own working apparatus No. of May Prime Minister Decision for the appointment of Mr. GheorgheGabriel Gheorghe as Secretary of State at the Ministry for the Business Environment Trade and Entrepreneurship No. of May Prime Minister Decision regarding the exercise on a temporary basis by secondment by Mrs.
Cornelia Nagy of the vacant public position in the category of senior civil servants of deputy general secretary of the Ministry of the Environment No. of May Ministry of Labor and Social Justice Order for the amendment and completion of the annex to the Order of the Minister of Labour Family Social Protection and the Elderly no. regarding the establishment of the monthly maintenance contribution owed by disabled adults assisted in public residential centers for disabled adults or their supporters and the approval of the Methodology for establishing the level of the.