What are the elements to define to structure the editorial plan as mentioned the editorial plan serves to lay the foundations of what your content strategy will be. To do this you need to carry out a deep analysis of your business and examine some elements. Let's see which ones. you need to figure out who you want to write to. If you own an already established business you will know your buyer persona very well . Try to think how old is he what are her habits when is she most active on social networks how do you get information.
By what means do you frequent social networks if yes which ones what search terms might google search for your business with what are his interests and his needs his doubts take your time to define your target it is the starting point from which to start building your Mobile App Development Service strategy. Tone of voice the tone of voice of your content must reflect the soul of your business and at the same time be appropriate for your audience. Try asking yourself is my business identified with a formal or informal tone what do I want to convey to my audience reliability authority empathy irony what tone of voice can most easily reach my buyer persona do I prefer more traditional communication or do I want to experiment again build your communication around.
Your target but don't forget to stay true to yourself and your business' identity. Brand image your content talks about you your way of working and your company. For this reason they must adhere to the image you want to give of yourself to your audience. Try asking yourself what does my brand identity consist of how can I best communicate it what do I want to stick out about my business in people's minds how do I want to be recognized and remembered set the brand image objective you want to achieve and coordinate your actions to get as close to it as possible. Competitor to beat your competitors you will first have to spy on them properly.